Sunday, November 29, 2009

La Santa Maria

Julio's noserider in the making....." La Santa Maria" The main focus of this design is strictly noseriding and not so much"the all around board". This model has very little rocker in the nose and moderate tail rocker. The nose concave creates rocker which allows you to get away with such a flat nose. The rails towards the tail are super soft and gradually sharpen towards the nose. this feature allows you to get a good bite on the face off the wave while riding the nose. The soft rails in the tail allow the board to flow through the soft water without catching. The combination of deep concave and the added rocker in the tail are the main factors in this boards ability to nose ride. This board will be equipped with a good size fin glassed on about three inches from the tail. All of these design features improve the ride and creates a comfortable noseriding platform.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Matt doing big things.....

Matt Hernandez navigating his 9'6'' platform right into the pocket with super comfort! I'm sure you all have seen this pic by now on other sites but I just had to post it again.....

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


The new official website for Lemire Surfing Platforms is Live. This site will serve as a place to show what i am building and what I have built. Send me a message through the contacts page if you like what you see or have any questions about getting your own surfing platform.