Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rory's Resin Rocket

Super sick board! Color came out pretty sick..... Rory and Dakota gave the board a spin down at San' O this weekend and called it crypt... Rory was trimming with mega style and was grabbing rail during his cut backs... Dakota is now in line for one and will probably be calling every 5minutes to see if his board is done yet..

Friday, May 28, 2010

Landon's Red Dog Slide

Super stocked on this log..........! This noserider has a new outline thanks to Landon's input. The tale is a little more tapered and i tightened up the tail block. Looking forward to seeing Landon shred and post on the nose.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


These boards will be shreding the boarder... No Art!!!!! You cant noseride the mini sims.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Banksly is coming....

These are a few of my favorite street disasters..... Banksly has a film coming out on friday that is a first of many. Check out the flick Exit Through the Gift Shop. Invest your money in paint....

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The more things change the more they stay the same

Sick little pig with with a classy fin.... This board is being shredded by a Platform rider from Imperial Beach.. This is Art's third platform and is his weapon of choice for the moment.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fact; Rory is not a barrel dodger...

Super sick pic of Rory...most likely taken by J.B. This is a common site at the pier in the morning....Rory charging and surfing like the ocean is going to dry up tomorrow. Stoked to see him on one of my platforms..

Sunday, March 21, 2010

V town

Here are some pics of this weekend. I had a super fun time surfing and binge drinking with the posse. Surfed 3 foot C street with the Z-Funk (Zack) and Greg G land this morning. Zack rode his new LEMIRE like no other. His style is fluid and stands out in the line up. Greg and I surfed our brains out today 2 hours at C street and 250 waves at Rincon this afternoon......solid

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Look at me everybody....model. I shaped this board a little wider than usual and made the concave a little deeper. I added a little weight by adding a couple stringers to give it that push. Hate it or love it. The shape of this surfing platform was inspired by some of the boards C.J. was riding a while back...